a thousand flowers
‘2020 s/s’

001:handloom cotton fog indigo rb neck T-blouse
002:handloom cotton fog flowers side patched dress/ linen fog flowers short JKT
003:hand screen print check cotton work coat / handloom fog indig tank top / linen mustard gina pants
004: linen fog flowers `hand purana` embroidery atellier coat / border patched linen and silc cotton dress
005: silk border squere slit neck dress
006: mix patched `fog forest` embroidery dress
007: thin linen fog flowers dress / linen butterfly embroidery JKT
008: linen ` around flowers ` embroidery dori JKT / linen fog indigo dress
009: thin linen `border flowers` embroidery dori JKT
010: silk cotton `pani circle flowers` dress
on the white beach